Journal of Psychle Pathology
upcoming book Sample Article #2)

Because Politically Correct Isn’t The Only "P.C."
Psychiatrically Correct Comics

David J. Robinson, M.D.
Rapid Psychler Headquarters

Calvin and Hobbes Calvinist and his Imaginary Companion
Spiderman Arachnomania
Superman The Intergalactic Narcissist
Beetle Bailey The Military Chronicles of a Self-Defeating Personality Disorder
Peanuts The Childhood Histories of an Avoidant Personality, his Borderline Girlfriend, a Schizoid Pianist and a Socially-Disinhibited Canine
Dennis the Menace Misadventures of the Neighborhood’s Conduct-Disordered Boy
The Far Side Posttraumatic Zoophilia
Doonesbury Intellectualization Illustrated
Cathy The Ranting of a Diet-Obsessed, Dysthymic, Dependent Personality
Dilbert The Inadequate Personality in the Workplace
The Simpsons The Familial Consequences of the Brainstem being the Highest Cortical Center for Decision Making
Herman The Journal of Concrete Thinking
Beavis and Butthead Two Inner Children that Escaped from Inner Day Care
Outland Adventures in Primary Process
Hagar Conquests of an Antisocial Viking
Garfield Trials of a Passive-Aggressive Feline